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The stimulation you provide your baby in the first 3 years has more impact than at any other time in your child’s life.

Watch 50+ Interviews on Ingenious Baby featuring top experts around the world to help your child reach their full potential. Learn how to recognize and nurture your child’s talents in the early stages, referencing high quality, objective and scientific sources.

How and what infants eat affects their brains for life. Fueling your baby’s brain with the right foods during the first three years is necessary in order to build that important platform on which to build cognition, social skills [and] literacy.

Sleeping through the night can help an infant’s brain develop and increase functions such as attentiveness, self-discipline and memorization. Kids with regular bedtimes have also been shown to be better at languages, math and reading.

Music enhances all areas of learning, from language development to neural engagement (builds IQ!) to spatial-temporal skills needed for math, science, art, and invention.

Motor Development
Physical development is an essential part of intellectual development and physiological well-being. Physical and physiological excellence are key to all aspects of development throughout life.

Teaching your baby reading at a very young age makes use of an opportunity for naturally learning language, inspiring the child to reach higher levels of language skill.

Early Stem
Demonstrating strong math skills at an early age is a strong indicator of developing conceptual thinking skills and predicts long- term success in school, not just in later math learning but also in later reading proficiency.

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